You are here: Inventory > Defining Inventory Forms > Inventory Maintenance > Main


Field Description
General Each part number can be categorised by 4 fields depending on what the part is and how it is bought and/or sold
  • Decimals - applicable per unit and determines the decimals to which SOH can be accounted for - for both buying and selling purposes
  • Unit - What unit the part is sold and purchased in and appears as a description in invoices and packing slips e.g. each, box etc
  • Weight - an optional weight per unit can be specified, the total of which appears on sales orders and purchase orders
  • Cubic Size - another unit of measure for each item that can be specified, the total of which appears on sales orders and purchase orders
Kit Style A grouping mechanism for selling or quote product - e.g. a computer system. The options: are None, BOM, Template, Kit or Kit (tax Override)
Sell Price The default selling price of the item. This field is linked to Sell Price in the Prices tab, and changes made to one changes the other
RRP Recommended Retail Price of each part. This field is linked to RRP in the Prices tab, and changes made to one changes the other
Sales Cost This field is manually updated and could be used as a base cost for the sales team
Direct Tax A legacy field from pre 2000 sales tax system
Secondary Cost If a secondary cost is desired for a part it can be manually entered in this optional field and could be used for custom sales and margin reports
Use Serial/Batch Nos Serial number/batch numbering is facilitated through all movement of this stock item when this is ticked
Allow Price Overrides Allows prices for the part to be overridden in sales orders and quotes
Use Expiry Dates Tracking of expiry dated stock is facilitated through all movement of stock when this is ticked
Physical Item When stock is received, physical items update the stock on hand table. Non physical items are not record in the stock on hand table
Backorderable Only applies to physical items
Ship With Physical Items This field only applies to non-physical items. Tick this box if this item is only to be shipped/charged when at least one physical item is to be shipped
Sell Price Represents Tax Inclusive When ticked, all selling prices for the item are GST inclusive
Tax Rates
GST Rates There are 4 GST rates to configure in Inventory Maintenance. Default rates are populated from the Classificaiton record and can be changed from teh search window attached to each field
  • Inwards - for all purchasing transactions
  • Outwards - for all sales related transactions
  • Adjust In - for any supplier returns
  • Adjust Out - for any sales order credit notes
Categories There are 5 categories that are set up through Inventory Configuration. These categories can be used for searching and reporting purposes. Some, all or none of these fields can be set

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